In order to contextualize my publications and ongoing works in the "Research" page, this page shows the bigger picture of my interests.

How do major powers exert influence in the international order, and in international institutions in particular? Although China's rise and its rivalry with the United States have caught attention regarding whether there was a "revisionist" momentum in the liberal international order, any states, first and foremost, pursue their national interests, regardless of the consequences they may bring to the international arena.
In probing such state-centric views in international institutions, I am especially interested in
(i) the norm-initiation behavior of major powers in existing institutions, and work on three projects that focus on different driving factors of such attempts. The three are also dealt with in my doctoral dissertation (University of Tokyo, 2023).
Meanwhile, I am also embarking on a separate project on
(ii) the relation between governments and international bureaucracy to uncover how the influence of the former may (or may not) be embedded in the international arena.
Methodologically, I have conducted statistical analyses (with original datasets/ regressions and network
analysis in particular) and case studies (with multilinguistic archives/ documents). I also hope to make use of interview surveys in the coming years. Although I work on generalizable theories/ hypotheses, I have empirically focused on China and the Global South as its coalition counterpart.